Illustrations for the Picture book "Haroldo Um anjo diferente"
Have you ever thought about the origin of our unique characteristics?
Attributes such as courage, determination, creativity, and resilience? Even individualities like wearing glasses, needing a hearing aid, and having hands who sweats a lot or need braces on their teeth? 
Where did the set of details come from What do we do with us? 
This is the story of some of our diverse and complex singularities. And, by chance, also is the story of an angel named Haroldo. The most sweet angel and quirky person you've ever met! When he began to work in the maternity of heaven, ended up changing the course of humanity. 
Such a fun, sweet, and engaging book to tell how we came into the world like this, in our way. Unique. Exclusives. A work to strengthen self-confidence, to encourage and to, above all, reinforce the certainty that in life there is nothing better than being who we are!
Text : Rafaela Carvalho
Illustrations : Me : )
Design: Estúdio Amor
Publisher : Editora Matrescência
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